Medical Travel: Before you leave
Please note that for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic the Cree Health Board has imposed new health and safety measures for medical travel. These measures are subject to change. Please visit our COVID-19 page for the latest updates.
Remember to bring your proof of COVID-19 vaccination.
Clients and Caregivers
As a client, it’s important to...
- Confirm your appointment, flight time and number and departure date with your local CMC 5 days before your trip.
- Confirm mode of transport (by plane or car) at least 3 days before your trip, along with the name of your caregiver.
- Be on time and ready for transportation.
- Let your CMC know in advance if you have to change or cancel your appointment.
- Please show up on time for your appointment. Not doing this affects others waiting for treatment.
- Talk to your medical/dental secretary to make sure you and your caregiver understand all the details of your appointment, preparations for travel and what you need to know before you leave. Talk to the CMC nurse if your case is more serious (e.g. cancer).
- Let your local CMC and Wiichihiituwin know if you need special services or equipment (wheelchair, adaptive rooms, oxygen tank, bath seat).
- Contact the Wiichihiituwin receptionist before and after your appointment.
- Bring your proof of vaccination.
You need a caregiver if you are:
- under 18 (required) or over 65 (if needed).
- mobility-impaired.
- travelling with a breastfed baby under 8 months old.
Authorized Caregivers
- Are 18 years or older and healthy.
- Speak Cree and English or French.
- Are needed by the client and are responsible for client safety and protection. Risky/unsafe behaviour (intoxication, violence, neglecting client, client missing/late for appointment without valid reason) will result in cancellation of lodging and transportation and no expense reimbursement.
- Are not responsible for other caregivers
- Be prepared to give emotional support to the client
- Have the required ID to travel, including proof of vaccination.
What does a caregiver do?
- Helps look after the client at all times.
- Is aware of the client’s current health status.
- Ensure the client has all required medical and travel documents.
- Checks warrant for travel times.
- Makes sure client is ready on time for pickup.
- Goes to all appointments with client.
- Spends at least 4 hours a day with the client.
- Remains with a minor at all times.
- Carries client’s luggage.
- Helps with client’s hygiene
- Returns home when the client is discharged or after 2 weeks of complete attendance.
- Advises Wiichihiituwin of any problems/difficulties with the client.
- Maintains confidentiality regarding client's medical conditions at all times.
Let your CMC know in advance if you have to change or cancel your appointment.
What to pack
- Appointment confirmation papers from CMC. As soon as you are advised of the appointment, check to see what preparation is needed.
- Proof of COVID-19 vaccination.
- Travel warrant If you are going by car.
- The right clothes for the weather (check forecast). Make sure you have enough with you (luggage weight limit is 22kg/48lbs).
- RAMQ card (you and your caregiver) or temporary card, and hospital card if you have one.
- One valid ID card with photo, or 2 valid ID cards without photo.
- Wheelchair, walker or cane (labelled).
- C-PAP machine, portable oxygen concentrator, insulin (carry-on, so it doesn’t freeze) if you use them. Advise the CMC if you are travelling with a C-PAP machine.
- X-rays or CD with your x-rays.
- Medication (enough for a month) in your carry-on luggage; make sure it doesn’t freeze. Make sure you have at least 2 full days of medication in your carry-on in case your flight is delayed.
- Dressings: pack what you may need for a few days (bandages, cream, special medication, tape).
- Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, razor).
- Alarm clock (you are responsible for waking up on time) or, if using your phone as an alarm clock, your phone charger.
- Money for personal expenses (long distance calls, laundry, room service, parking, shopping, movies).
- Heavy medical equipment (electric wheelchair, dialysis boxes, specialized milk for babies): please advise your CMC and Wiichihiituwin before you leave.
- Travelling with a baby? Make sure you have everything you need.
- Any medical releases you may need to fly (e,g. doctor's note if flying while pregnant).
What to bring if you are travelling with a baby or child
Start packing a few days before.
- Car seat and sling/carrier or collapsible stroller.
- The right clothing for baby (check forecast).
- Breastfeeding? Remember to bring all your supplies (breastfeeding pads, pump, etc).
- You need to have a car seat before you can leave the hospital with your newborn baby.
- Bottles and formula if you use them. Tip: To help baby’s ears at take-off/landing, breastfeed or give your baby a bottle. It helps to clear the ears and reduces pain.
- Prescriptions for specialized formula.
- Diapers, wipes, changing pad, plastic bags.
- Be prepared for leaky diapers or spit-up—have extra baby clothes.
- Baby blankets (in case plane is cold/for burping). Pacifier, if your baby uses one. Washable bibs. Sippy cup, baby food for a day, if baby is older.
- Snacks for you.
Notify the CMC before you leave to ensure your baby is allowed to travel. Never leave your baby or child alone (during travel, in hotel, at boarding home). Babysitters are not provided by Wiichihiituwin.
Baggage weight limit
Due to an increase in passengers and cargo travelling onboard CBHSSJB charter flights, we can only allow 44 lbs. of luggage per passenger to travel on the same day.
All other excess baggage will be carried only if space is available; otherwise, it will be carried on another flight.
Please note that this luggage restriction also applies to children 2 years and older.

Phone numbers to reach Wiichihituwin (CPS) and Air Creebec.

Avoid problems at the airport and follow these guidelines when packing

- listens to concerns and helps the clients to find answers to their questions
- alerts management to areas that could be improved
- if necessary, connects the client with the office of the Commissioner of Quality of Services and Complaints