How to apply to work at CBHSSJB
Do you want to apply, but don't know the process? Have questions for our recruiters? Find the information you're looking for on this page.
Candidate's background
Because we know that applying for a job at CBHSSJB involves several steps, we want to help you understand the "typical" candidate's path more clearly. Please note that certain steps may be added, depending on the job you are looking for.

Step 1 - Apply on our website
To do this, you have a couple of choices:
- Apply for a specific job using the search engine on the ALL JOB OFFERS page
- Submit your application by filling out the form for your job category in the UNSOLICITED APPLICATIONS page
Whichever option you choose, you must first create a file.
Please note that when you apply via the website, you should receive a confirmation message and a confirmation email.
If you do not receive a confirmation, we recommend that you send your application with a copy of your resume to our email address by quoting the job posting number.
All applications received via our email address will be considered.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding an application, please email us at
Step 2 - Interview
If your application is accepted, one of our recruiters will offer you an interview.
You may be offered a virtual or in-person interview at our offices. You will meet with a human resources representative, who may be accompanied by a manager from the department you are applying to. Depending on the job you are looking for, you may have more than one interview.
Step 3 - Conditional job offer
Passed the interview and testing stage? We will send you a conditional job offer.
Our team offers you a job! This offer will be given to you by email or by phone. At this stage, we will ask you to fill out pre-employment documents (criminal checks and health assessment) which will be analyzed by our team of experts and will remain confidential. If necessary, they will contact you.
Once these documents have been completed, we will confirm your employment with CBHSSJB and determine with you your start date.
Step 4 - Employee file is created
You must now fill out documents to open your employee file.
You will receive an email from our team that contains important information to read, as well as forms to fill out to confirm your employment.

Step 5 - Your first day at CBHSSJB and your welcome session
A first day in a new job and/or a new organization is always a little stressful. At CBHSSJB, we do everything possible to make you feel welcome and well guided during your first days.
During the first week, you will be invited to what is called the "welcome session" for all new employees. This half-day activity is presented by the human resources team and several internal partners of the organization. The objective is to introduce you to the organization, how it works and to give you all the tools you need to start your job with us.
Questions and Answers
Yes, because we use our website to centralize all applications and to be able to give an efficient follow-up to the selected candidates.
If your application is successful, you will hear from our recruiting team. Please note that we only contact successful applicants.
TIP: Make a note of the username and password used to create your file with us. This will allow you to apply more quickly for other job offers in the future.
They are kept in our system for 6 months.
In the health and social services network, there are several types of employment status. You can have a permanent full-time job. You may have a permanent part-time position. You can also work as a replacement, either full-time or part-time. Or you can be casual.
If you have a casual job, you will be put on the recall list. This means that your schedule will be created according to your availability, the needs of the employer and the services for which you will be oriented and trained.
With our growing needs in many areas, there are many possibilities to work full-time.
We do not take references in all cases. If we feel it is necessary to do so following your interview, we will contact the references listed on your form.
TIP: If you are currently employed and have not informed your current employer, you can notify us.
Upon hiring, your recruiting agent will inform you if you have been hired on a position or as an employee of the recall list. If you have been hired as an employee of the recall list (temporary or occasional status) and wish to obtain a position, we invite you to consult our job posting regularly under the section ALL JOB OFFERS
You will need to apply following the procedure detailed in the job posting. We advise you that as an employee, you need to apply during the internal posting period in order to benefit from the rules of selection of internal employees and priority over external candidates.
If you missed the internal posting period and the posting is posted externally, you can still apply for the position but the rules of selection of internal employees will not apply.
- Of course! We invite you to apply using our application form.
Explore more

Whether you are a nurse, a medical secretary, a housekeeper or a social worker, the CBHSSJB has a job for you!

We invite you to fill out a form that matches your expertise.

Get notified by email when a new job corresponding to your expertise is added to our website.
Contact us
Our team of recruiters is available to answer your questions about the hiring process, a specific job or career opportunities at the Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay.