Breast Cancer Screening (Clara Bus)
What is it?
Breast cancer screening (mammography) checks for cancer in your breast before you or your doctor notice anything wrong (such as a lump).
Who is it for?
We recommend that all women aged 50 – 74 years be screened for breast cancer every two years. Screening is a personal choice, so it is important to understand what it is and what the pros and cons are before making a decision.
Where is it offered?

Breast cancer screening is made accessible through the Clara Bus and mobile mammography clinics that visit each community every two years. For Winter 2025, the Clara Bus will visit:
- Eastmain: February 26–February 28, 2025
- Wemindji: March 3–6, 2025
- Chisasibi: March 10–23, 2025
If you are out of town or unable to attend your scheduled appointment, contact your local CMC to make alternative arrangements.
What is it like?
A screening mammogram involves X-rays of your breasts. During the exam:
- You will remove your shirt and bra and wear a provided robe.
- A nurse or technician will position your breast between two plates on the X-ray machine. The compression may feel uncomfortable or even slightly painful, but it only lasts a few minutes.
- The X-ray machine takes images of your breast from different angles.
- A technician ensures the images are clear.
- A radiologist reviews the X-rays to determine the results.
If the mammogram detects any abnormalities, further testing will be required to confirm if it’s cancer and, if so, determine the type and best treatment options.
ᐄᔨᔨᐅᔨᒧᐎᓐ | IIYIYIUYIMUWIN | Christina Matoush describes the Breast Cancer Screening Guide
How long does it take?
The entire appointment may take up to an hour, but the mammogram itself typically lasts 15–30 minutes, depending on breast size.
How can I get this service?
Women aged 50–74 will receive a letter from the CBHSSJB Public Health Department inviting them to participate in the Clara Bus or screening program when it visits their community.
To book an appointment:
- Contact your local CMC to find out when the Clara Bus is in your community.
- If you have a family history of breast or ovarian cancer, discuss your screening options with your doctor.
How to prepare for your appointment?
- Avoid wearing deodorant, powder, cream, or perfume on the day of your appointment.
- Wear a comfortable two-piece outfit.
- Bring your valid RAMQ card and the invitation letter you received.
- Arrive 15 minutes early to complete a pre-assessment questionnaire.
- You can bring a companion for support.
If you cannot attend your scheduled appointment, notify your local CMC as soon as possible.
Hear from others about their experiences with breast cancer screening:
- ᐄᔨᔨᐅᔨᒧᐎᓐ | IIYIYIUYIMUWIN | Georgina Macleod and Nancy Voyageur: Sharing their stories of screening.
- ᐄᔨᔨᐅᔨᒧᐎᓐ | IIYIYIUYIMUWIN |Lucy Trapper: Discussing her family history and its impact.
- ᐄᔨᔨᐅᔨᒧᐎᓐ | IIYIYIUYIMUWIN |Pauline Lameboy: Reflecting on her journey with breast cancer screening.
Watch the videos to learn more about how screening can make a difference.
Explore more
For more information about breast cancer screening, contact your local CMC or visit the Clara Bus webpage at:

A mammogram machine takes X-ray images of different angles of your breast to screen for breast cancer.