Nishiiyuu Miyupimaatisiiun Statement on COVID
We remind everyone of the importance of faith and prayer for Miyupimaatisiiun (health and wellbeing).
Roderick Pachano, Nishiiyuu Council of Elders
Our Elders and Traditional Healers teach us that faith in the medicines we use is important, both Traditional and Western, and the effectiveness of the medicines can only become stronger with prayer and our faith in the medicine. Achieving Miyupimaatisiiun asks that we find balance in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of ourselves.
Getting the vaccine is voluntary and the choice of each person must be respected. We encourage each person to seek guidance from Elders and Traditional Healers as well as healthcare providers. However, it is important to remember that our traditions guide us to protect and care for one another. Regardless of the choice you make for yourself about getting vaccinated, Public Health Protocols should be followed by everyone (wearing a mask, washing hands, and proper physical distancing). There will be some who cannot get vaccinated (eg. those under 18 years of age) and it is our collective responsibility to keep them safe.
Children are a gift from the Creator and we have the responsibility to protect and care for them.
Throughout our Nation’s history, pregnant women were important members to Eeyou society: they carry life and the future of the Cree Nation. As mothers, they have the right to make choices and the right to protect their unborn children. In our traditional medicine practices, we do not give any medicine too strong or any medicine that will affect the development phase of the unborn child.
During this time, it can be helpful to remember the Traditional Medicines that have been gifted to us. They can provide healing and comfort to our bodies, minds and spirits.
Let us demonstrate respect and caring by being mindful of our Cree Core Values, and the most important being love and self-responsibility. We encourage everyone to follow protocols put in place to protect our families and communities, especially our Youth, Elders and vulnerable Eeyou.
We are in this together.
Laura Bearskin - Nishiiyuu Miyupimaatisiiun Department
in collaboration with
Janie and Roderick Pachano - Nishiiyuu Council of Elders
Traditional medicines
Sage is one of our sacred medicines growing in Eeyou Istchee and other regions
Sweetgrass is one of our sacred medicines, symbolizing healing and peace
The Tamarack has important medicinal uses.Its boughs, bark (and bare branches in fall and winter) can be used to make tea
Tobacco is used in hunting rituals, healing and sacred ceremonies in Eeyou/Eenou Istchee
The White Spruce is a large coniferous evergreen tree that can be found in Whapmagoostui and along the coast
Wiichihiiwaauwin (Mental Health) Helpline
Service available 24/7. Cree speakers and Elders are available upon request