First annual CPDP in-person meeting since COVID-19 pandemic held in Chisasibi
The Council of Physicians, Dentists and Pharmacists (CPDP) of the Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay held its annual meeting in Chisasibi from October 20 to 22, 2023. Members met with their departments and took part in educational workshops and a cultural safety training.

The CPDP usually holds its annual general assembly every fall. However, due to the pandemic, the 2020, 2021 and 2022 assemblies were held virtually. The members were excited to finally meet in-person again and engage in dynamic discussions.
Cultural safety training session are held at every AGA to expand the knowledge and appreciation for Cree history, culture and realities. This year, the session included a field trip to the Chisasibi Cultural Camp, where a Residential School survivor shared their story of courage and resilience. Some participants learned about traditional healing and others learned to make medicine bags and what they mean.

"Our theme was 'ginwhymidodow' which means taking care of each other. Our physicians, dentists and pharmacists take care of patients and their families, but we also need to take care of each other, for wellness and teamwork. This year, after enduring the pandemic and the forest fires, we need to re-energize, support each other and continue our good clinical work and advocacy. " – Darlene Kitty, CMDP President
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