ᐋᐦ ᒋᔅᑯᑎᒫᒑᓂᐧᐃᒡ | ᐁ ᒋᔅᑯᑖᒪᑳᓅᒡ
âh chiskutimâchâniwich | e chiskutâmakânûch
- Teacher talking to a child
- Enhancing language
- Passing knowledge to child, grandchild
- Learning to receive knowledge from people, peers
- Following the path to a good life
- Knowing what is good compared to what is desired
- Sitting and gaining wisdom from our elders
- Being the mature person in a situation
- Knowledge in action
- Learning from elders
- Without rain nothing grows, learning to embrace the storms of your life
- Keep learning and try to understand the true meaning and purpose
- Gaining by learning and listening
- Listening to elders’ teachings
Explore the values

Our family values originate from our Eeyou/Eenou philosophy/Iiyiyiuiyihtuwin (Eeyou/Eenou way of life), traditional values and customs that come fr