ᐃᔮᐧᑳᒧᐧᐋᐧᐃᓐ | ᐃᔮᐧᑳᒧᐧᐁᐧᐃᓐ
iyâkwâmuwâwin | iyâkwâmuwewin
- Sex education
- Prevention & awareness workshops
- Giving advice
- Communicating with family, friends
- Learning the boundaries of danger
- Home teaching children
- Car license, boat license
- Teepee watching fire
- Checking ice safety
- Complete stopping at stop signs
- Teaching someone to put on a helmet
- Proper form and precaution when working out
- God
- Condoms
- Obeying, boundaries
- Being cautious
- Promoting safety and prevention
- Putting seatbelt on all the time and driving safely
- Having trust in someone when you give them a teaching
Explore the values

Our family values originate from our Eeyou/Eenou philosophy/Iiyiyiuiyihtuwin (Eeyou/Eenou way of life), traditional values and customs that come fr