ᐅᑐᑖᒥᑐᐧᐃᓐ | ᐧᐋᐦᑯᒥᑐᐧᐃᓐ
ututâmituwin | wâhkumituwin
- Gatherings, family events
- Promoting equality
- Laughter / humor
- A teacher when teaching requires patience
- When making snowshoes
- Give patience when dressing up your child
- Having patience in living with children and family members
- Showing patience in making a canoe
- Spotter
- Saying Hi to one another
- Being outgoing
- Being like a brother or a sister
- Security
- Giving hugs every morning
- Helping your siblings and others
Explore the values

Our family values originate from our Eeyou/Eenou philosophy/Iiyiyiuiyihtuwin (Eeyou/Eenou way of life), traditional values and customs that come fr