Grants available: Holiday Yâkwâmi Car Services
Grants are available to communities of Eeyou Istchee to implement Yâkwâmi car services over the 2024 holiday season.

What are Yâkwâmi Car Services?
Yâkwâmi Car Services:
- allow people at social gatherings to call and get a safe ride home. It helps prevent impaired driving (driving after drinking or getting high).
- keep the person who uses it safe and protects the community as a whole.
Yâkwâmi Car Services also reduce other risk factors that can arise when someone is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, such as:
Passing out outside in the winter cold.
Acts of violence or other forms of abuse and assault.
Needing emergency health care at the CMC.
Grants are offered by the Public Health Department.
How to apply?
- Download and fill out the Yakwami Car Service Grant Form
- Send it to Jordan Stephen, PPRO or Alexandra Tremblay-Leclerc, PPRO
- Or write to Jordan Stephen, PPRO or Alexandra Tremblay-Leclerc, PPRO to request a registration form.
- Forms are also available through community organizers.
Contact Information
Jordan Stephen
Planning Programming Research Officer - Life Promotion
Phone: 418-770-8871
Alexandra Tremblay-Leclerc
Planning Programming Research Officer - Mental Wellness
Phone: 873-458-0294
Did You Know?
- Impaired driving is among the leading criminal causes of death in Canada. With the holidays being the busiest time of the year for social gathering, the risks are higher for driving under the influence.
- Impaired driving is preventable. We need to understand the dangers and offer alternatives.
In 2021: There were 116 DUIs (driving under the influence) interceptions in Eeyou Istchee.
In 2018: Mistissini ran a pilot car service for their community during the holidays. EEPF Mistissini reported that no individuals were charged with DUI during this pilot project.