National Non-Smoking Week Contest takes place January 16 to 22
National Non-Smoking Week (NNSW) is January 16 – 22, 2022. To bring awareness to this important cause, and to celebrate the successes of those among us who are smoke-free, the No Butts To It teams are hosting a story-sharing contest with cash prizes.

Kick butt and win prizes!
In each community, there will be:
5 lucky draws of $100 each, and
one $250 grand prize
(6 prizes in total. One prize per person.)
Your story can help others
We want to hear from you. Tell your stories about quitting or not smoking to the No Butts To It team to help motivate others and spread helpful information.

For example, are you being more physically active or creative to keep your mind off smoking as you quit?

Are you enjoying being able to walk further, or sing better as your lungs recover?
Some ideas to get you started:
- How did quitting benefit you?
- How did you beat smoking? What are your best tips?
- Why did you quit? or Why did you never start smoking?
- What motivates you to not smoke?
- What is the most helpful advice you received?
- If you’re still a smoker, what are your plans for quitting?
- … and more!
How to participate
You must be 8 years old or up to participate. This contest includes people who smoke, used to smoke, or have never smoked.
Please share your stories with us during NNSW:
- Post your story on the community Facebook page
- Text or email your Chishaayiyuu PCCR
- Call in to local radio when your PCCR hosts a call-in show during NNSW.
The deadline to submit your entry is 5PM on Friday, January 21

Let's kick butt!
Help people who want to quit smoking and encourage youth and non-smokers to never start.
Explore more

Quitting smoking and staying quit is very important for your health. Here are 6 steps to help you.