Indigenous-owned catering to provide food services at Espresso Hotel in Montreal
In a move to improve quality and cultural safety of food services for our clients in Montreal, Indigenous-owned catering companies are taking over the operation of La Perle Bleue, the restaurant at Espresso Hotel in Montreal.

Every year, approximately 20,000 people, both patients and their family caregivers, arrive in Montreal for medical services not available in Eeyou Istchee, such as cancer care and organ transplants. When not in hospital, most of these clients stay at the Wiichihiituwin facility established within Espresso Hotel in downtown Montreal.
Many of the visitors have underlying health issues that mean that they need healthy choices and balanced meals. Catering companies that draw on Indigenous food traditions and ingredients will provide meals that strengthen the cultural safety of the living environment for Cree people during their stay in Montreal.
Gestion ADC, an ISO-9001 certified subsidiary of the Cree investment company Creeco, was awarded the contract to upgrade equipment and renovate the kitchen of the hotel’s restaurant La Perle Bleue, and to take over the running of the restaurant starting in November, 2021.
In the meantime, starting on August 2, Miqmak Catering Indigenous Kitchen will provide meal catering to the clients at Espresso. Meals will be delivered every day and there will be 3 different menus. Miqmak Catering Indigenous Kitchen, operated by Chef Norma Condo, currently supplies in-flight meals to the medical charter flights operated by the CBHSSJB and Air Creebec.
This transition towards improvement may cause our clients some inconvenience. We thank our clients and their families for your understanding.

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Wiichihiituwin delivers quality services to the population of Eeyou Istchee who need health care outside the region.

Mi’kmaw chef Norma Condo’s culinary career is soaring to new heights with her Montreal-based catering service. Her business, Miqmak Catering Indigenous Kitchen has been up and running for less than a