Pregnancy: Healthy Eating
A balanced diet during pregnancy provides nutrients your baby needs to develop and be born healthy.
When you’re pregnant, your nutritional needs are also higher. Eating well allows you to meet your needs too. Miyuu-Ashimishuh is a program that provides support for you to get nutritious foods during your pregnancy.
What does Miyuu-Ashimishuh offer?
Miyuu-Ashimishuh wants to encourage healthy eating during pregnancy.
Participants can get weekly grocery coupons for nutritious foods such as milk, eggs, fruits and vegetables.
Provide protein and essential nutrients for the growth of your baby. Eggs are also:
- inexpensive
- nutritious
- can be eaten at any meal or at snack time
Milk (or substitutes)
Offers a good source of:
- calcium
- vitamin A
- vitamin D
All essential for mommy and baby
Vegetables and fruits
Eating a “rainbow” of vegetables and fruits ensures you get vitamins and nutrients you need to help you grow a healthy baby.
Who is eligible for Miyuu-Ashimishuh?
All pregnant woman in Eeyou Istchee can access Miyuu-Ashimishuh, from the 12th week of their pregnancy, up until 8 weeks post-partum.
How can I access Miyuu-Ashimishuh?
To learn more about accessing the program, please talk with your Awash nurse, PCCR, or nutritionist.
Miyuu-Ashimishuh is an initiative managed by local Awash teams who are trained and supported by the regional Public Health team.