Paayikutaaniu Activity Book for all ages
This activity book was created to help you and your family keep busy while at home and in the bush. It contains activities appropriate for all ages and includes puzzles, colouring pages and more.
The activity book includes:

Educational puzzles

Colouring pages and crafting templates featuring artwork courtesy of the family of the late Gertie Diamond Murdoch

A board game

Healthy recipes
As always, the Cree Health Board encourages everyone to stay safe, wash your hands and limit interactions with big groups.
Please share photos of your work from this activity book with us on social media @CreeHealth and use the hashtag #ProtectEeyouIstchee! We hope you enjoy it! It was truly a labour of love by our communications team.

Other tools for parents

Book by Benjamin Gormley. Assistance from Geneva Coonishish, Jannah Loon, Dana Lawlor and Dominique Wright.