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Boil Water Advisory

A boil water advisory is issued when routine sample tests show there may be germs (microbes) in the tap water that could affect your health. Boil water advisories are issued as a precaution, and recommendations should be followed until the advisory is lifted. 

Boiling water before consuming it will kill the germs. Tap water is safe to use for some activities (see list below).

It's recommended to boil water for at least 1 minute before consuming it. Bring water to a rolling boil (big bubbles) for at least 1 minute and let it cool before using.



  • Drinking water
  • Coffee or tea
  • Baby formula
  • Washing fruits and vegetables
  • Food preparation
  • Brushing teeth or cleaning dental appliances (e.g., dentures, retainers)
  • Making ice
  • Giving water to pets
tap water


Tap water is safe to use for certain activities during a boil water advisory. Follow recommendations for each activity listed below.



  • Use soap when washing your hands and dry them after. 

Take a bath or shower

  • Using tap water to bathe or shower is safe for adults and older children who won’t swallow the water. 
  • Babies and young children should have sponge baths. You can also use boiled water that has cooled to give them a regular bath. 

For laundry

  • It’s safe to do laundry during a boil-water advisory.

Wash dishes with a dishwasher

  • Use the hottest water or sanitizer cycle on your dishwasher.
wash dishes by hand

Wash dishes by hand

  • Wash and rinse dishes using hot water.
  • Soak dishes for at least 1 minute in a bleach solution (1 teaspoon of unscented household bleach for each gallon of hot water). 
  • Let dishes air dry completely before using.
Flush toilet

Flush toilet

  • It’s safe to flush the toilet during a boil water advisory.
  • Most household water filters (eg Brita) do not remove bacteria or viruses from water. You should still boil water consumed from a Brita filter.
  • Use clean, sanitized containers for storing boiled water.
  • Don’t use water or ice from machines with a direct line to the water supply, such as fridges, coffee makers, and soda dispensers. 
  • Don’t use ice cubes made with tap water to cool down boiled water, unless the ice cubes are made with boiled tap water.

Check your community’s social media pages, listen to the radio, or contact your PSO for updates about water advisories in effect.


Advisories inform people about potential issues with local drinking water sources and recommend precautions to protect their health.

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