ᑎᐱᐦᑖᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐ | ᑕᐸᐦᑌᔨᒨᐧᐃᓐ
tipihtâyimuwin | tapahteyimûwin
- Accepting that you are not perfect
- Letting others be first
- Servicing
- Recognizing your qualities
- Knowing you will never stop working on yourself and that’s ok
- Being humble
- Acceptance
- Laughter
- Acknowledging my limits, that I’m only human
- Putting others before oneself
- Showing honor to people such as elders, leaders
Explore the values

Our family values originate from our Eeyou/Eenou philosophy/Iiyiyiuiyihtuwin (Eeyou/Eenou way of life), traditional values and customs that come fr